Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Fighter Abs – How To Get Your Abs To Flatten

fighter abs

Lot of people have start to include training routines of their idol fighters into their workout programs, since UFC was introduce which includes Mixed Martial Arts. And if you’re one of those looking for how to get your abdominal to look like a fighter abs then count yourself lucky for coming across this article.

It’s not as difficult you might have heard about it, even if you don’t have the intention of using an octagon, fastest way to get a fitted and an athletic body is to train like a fighter. Fighters training methods are fun and amazing way to build up your stamina and strength.

The beauty of having a fighter abs is that they all have one thing in common which is Six Pack Abs! What makes it easy for them to get their abs is doing high intense abdominal and workouts exercises and not doing lot of crunches and sit-ups.

If you plan on developing your six pack abs, then it’s ideally you focus on doing high intense cardio interval couple with an abs interval. Here is how:

  • Do a Stability ball jackknives for 15 seconds then
  • Do some Skipping rope exercise for another 15 seconds
  • Then rest 15 seconds

    abs workout

Let’s briefly discuss type of abs workouts:

Abdominal Exercises

When working on your abdominal section. It’s best to pay more attention on doing more constancy style abdominal moves instead of doing sit-ups and crunches. Research shows that sit-ups exercises affect the lower part of your back. And also it does not really makes any impact to your abs unlike stability ball jackknives, planks and hanging leg raises.

Rather put more effort on the movements of your abdominal that it will be difficult to move for at least 15 seconds instead of doing nonstop repetitions. 
abdominal exercises

Using a Skipping Rope

One of the simplest but intense ab workout that helps boost your cardiovascular. Jumping rope should be fun and easy for you but you need to learn other tricks of jumping rope that’s where the fun really is. Double unders and Cross overs are some of the trick in skipping rope exercise and you can do while playing your favorite song.

Double unders is when you skip the rope twice and jump over it once while Cross overs is when you jump the rope while crossing your arms in front of your body.

This type of exercise doesn’t require any technical skills; just know the basic knowledge and the tricks while having fun doing it. It’s advisable to include jumping rope in your goal of having a fighter abs.
ab workout routine


Cycling is another workouts exercise may be underestimate its benefits. Cycling increase the stamina in your legs and build your bones stronger. It also help increase your heart pumping rate thereby increase the flow of blood circulation your body.

You can spend 20 – 30 minutes every day during your daily exercise routine. Cycling is fun and should be part of your abdominal exercises program.

Having the body shape of a fighter don’t only make you look attractive and cute but also boost your self-confidence and help you stay healthy and fit. Here you have it how to get your abs to flatten and look like a fighter abs, start today and watch how your stomach will flatten within a short time.

fighter abs

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